QoX Lab

The hub for performance evaluation


Broadcast, social TV, DASH


Performance evaluation and QoX
for future services and technologies


Metodologías avanzadas de
evaluación de prestaciones y
QoX en redes y servicios
telemáticos (EVEREST)

Del 5G al 6G:
Una visión

Jesús Alonso-Zarate


Our goal is to make better technology for a more human society.

Techniques used to evaluate the performance of services and applications provided through telecommunication networks constitute a timely, active, and highly relevant line of research in the present context of intelligent networks.

Three critical approaches are the cognitive allocation of resources, an automatic network operation, and the consequent intelligent service provisioning.

And those three are being studied at three different levels: communication technologies (subnetwork access), cloud operation, and the development of new applications/services.

In this context, the shortcomings of a classic QoS-based performance evaluation are evident.

Thus, other paradigms are emerging in which “what is measured” is the quality of X, where X is…

…the users’ experience when consuming the service (QoE),

…the value of the captured data (QoD),

…the value of the information, processed data, to make decisions (QoI),

…and so on.

In short, a performance evaluation from a much broader perspective that takes into account not only people as consumers of services but also machines or things.

In turn, this leads to fundamental challenges: definitions, metrics, measurement models, predictive models based on machine learning, standardization, etc.

QoX Lab is a collaboration framework to advance the development of novel methodologies for performance evaluation and QoX in telematics networks and services. The Spanish Thematic Network EVEREST (supported by the AEI project grant RED2018-102383-T) is our first effort to promote coordinated joint activities, encourage collaboration against atomization, and strategically position QoX as the groundwork to make technology work for people.


“You can design and create, and build the most wonderful place in the world.”

- Walt Disney

Aerial Networks

Go to aerial networks

Inmersive Comunications

Go to Inmersive Comunications

We are a dedicated team of Qualified Researchers and Professionals with deep experience and technical expertise to face the upcoming challenges of performance evaluation.

Santiago Felici

Universitat de Valencia ETSE (Dpto Informatica)

Mario Montagud

Senior Researcher Media Internet Unit - i2CAT Foundation

Marta Solera Delgado

Departamento de Ingeniería de Comunicaciones, Universidad de Málaga

Fernando Boronat Segui

Immersive Interactive Media, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia

Jorge Navarro Ortiz

Wireless and Multimedia Networking Lab, Universidad de Granada

Matías Toril Genovés

Mobile Networking Optimization, Universidad de Málaga

Julián Fernández Navajas

Communications Networks and Information Technologies for e-Health and Quality of Experience, Universidad de Zaragoza

Miguel García Pineda

Sistemas Inteligentes y de Altas Prestaciones, Universidad de Valencia

Jaime Lloret Mauri

Comunicaciones y Redes, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia

Ramón Agüero Calvo

Ingeniería Telemática, Universidad de Cantabria

Juan Carlos Guerri Cebollada

Multimedia y QoE, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia

Elsa Macías Lopez

Arquitectura y Concurrencia, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Eva Ibarrola Armendariz

Networking, Quality and Security, Universidad del Pais Vasco

Mónica Aguilar Igartúa

Smart Services for Information Systems and Communication Networks, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya

Lola Cano

Ingeniería Telemática, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena
Maria-Dolores Cano

Principal Investigator at the thematic network EVEREST

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