A Testbed for Evaluating Video Streaming Services in LTE
With the deployment of the first commercial long term evolution (LTE) networks, mobile operators need to understand how quality of service (QoS) network indicators and codec parameters affect subjective quality in video streaming services as perceived by customers. In this paper, the development of a testbed for evaluating the quality of experience (QoE) of 3D video streaming service over LTE is described. The proposed system consists of three elements: a streaming server, an internet protocol-level mobile network emulator, based on NetEm tool, and a streaming client. The main contribution of this testbed is the modification of NetEm code to model the impact of time correlation between packet arrivals on the packet delay in a video stream. In the testbed, different network conditions are configured by setting network emulator parameters based on the results obtained by a system-level LTE simulator. Results show how average network load and user position inside a cell have a strong impact on the QoS and QoE perceived by the end video user.

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